02 February, 2017

advantages of joining a car club


At Footman James we have a great history of working with numerous motor vehicle clubs around the country.

Whether you're interested in classic Land Rovers or vintage motorbikes, there is likely a group of enthusiasts who have set up a club which you can join. If you are a motor vehicle enthusiast or have a real passion for classic cars, classic bikes, brands or models, joining a car or bike club can be a great idea. Below are some of the many advantages to being part of one of the UK’s numerous groups.

1. Meet likeminded people

If you are passionate about a particular vehicle then what better way of showing it than by talking to likeminded people and showing off your knowledge? Joining a classic car club or a classic bike club is a fantastic way of meeting new people.

You don’t need to be the owner of a vehicle to join a club. If you are passionate about cars and want to join a particular club, you can still meet people with a similar interest and get more involved with the cars and industry you love.

2. Show off your car or bike

Whilst labouring away on a car or motorbike on your own can be a therapeutic and rewarding experience, it is always refreshing to be able to show it off to people who fully appreciate your work. Joining a club gives you the perfect opportunity to show off the fruits of your labour to a group who will appreciate your hard work. It will give you extra incentive to keep up progress with maintaining and refurbishing your vehicle, and you will be able to see the progress of other enthusiasts - which may inspire you further!

3. Go to events

Not only does joining a classic car or bike club give you ample opportunity to meet up with new people regularly, as well as being able to communicate with people all over the country with similar interests, but there are often opportunities to take part in classic vehicle events, or attend as a group. For example, BMC (British Mini Club) hold 4 events annually.

Whilst you may not know about, or be less likely to attend shows around the country on your own, attending as part of a group of friends, or rolling up in an entourage of similarly impressive cars, is a sure fire way of having a great weekend out - and turning heads on the way.

Joining a classic car club

4. Get tips and tricks

Trying to maintain and restore a classic vehicle can be difficult, and whilst the internet offers lots in the way of advice, there is nothing quite like having the first-hand experience of other enthusiasts to help point you in the right direction. Being part of a classic vehicle club means access to dozens of like-minded people who may be able to help you with advice, and likewise, your insight may be just what someone else needs. Many classic vehicle clubs also have specialist rates with numerous partners and members-only forums that give you access to years of knowledge.

5. Get specialist rates on insurance and parts

Footman James offer specialist rates for many classic car and motorcycle clubs; when you join classic car and bike clubs you will find that you often get access to numerous discounts and deals.

These are just a few reasons why joining a classic vehicle club may be a great idea if you are passionate about learning, taking part and speaking with enthusiasts in a similar industry.

To find if you qualify for specialist rates, enter your quote online here and enter your club details when prompted. To see a full list of clubs, click here