20th January 2021

Drive It Day 2021 supporting NSPCC

Taking place on Sunday 25 April 2021, the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Club’s annual Drive It Day is back. Drive It Day originally celebrated the 1900’s ‘1000 Mile Trial’, which between 23 April and 12 May saw 65 vehicles drive from London to Edinburgh and back again to demonstrate a vehicles ability and tenacity.

Not only has Drive It Day managed to increase awareness of historic and vintage vehicles to the general public through the past 15 years of held events, but has also united communities of enthusiasts at an array of spin-off events that take place throughout the same date in the UK – some of which will be no doubt held by a number of the 500 clubs and various organisations that comprise the FBVHC’s membership.

Footman James joined in by co-hosting our first Drive It Day rally in 2018. We co-hosted a second Drive It Day Rally in 2019, which also started at Chateau Impney, home of the famous Hill Climb, and saw 50 cars driving in convoy through the Cotswold countryside to the Classic Motor Hub. We were joined by an eclectic mix of classic and vintage cars and bikes on both occasions, including Cobra coupes, Ford Mustangs, Sunbeam Alpines and classic Nortons.

In recent years, the FBHVC has been looking into ways that Drive It Day can evolve to uphold its original objectives but simultaneously ‘give back’ to society. This year the Drive It Day event will be run in support of charity Childline, NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty). Those clubs who already donate to chosen charities are encouraged to give in addition to, rather than replacing the current fundraising partners.

This year participants can buy special rally plates, of which the proceeds will directly support the NSPCC. The rally plates include regular and platinum editions which retail for £10 and £30 and are available in two sizes. You can purchase plates from the FBVHC’s shop.

Do you or your club have any plans for getting involved in Drive It Day this year? Will you take out your classic vehicle for a drive? You can find out the FBHVC’s advice for Drive It Day participation in regards to Coronavirus here.

Now that's an interesting fact, thank you for sharing that with us. We hope you have a great birthday too!

Footman James, 02/02/2021

Will be out in my MGTF VVC 160 as 25th April is my birthday and we are staying for 3 nights in Askrigg in the Yorkshire Dales where most of the All Creatures Great and Small was filmed. Hope to see some old cars about.

golden, 21/01/2021