13th October

Coventry Transport Museum – Cars & Coffee Breakfast Club 2018

Date: 13th October 2018

Time: 9am - 11pm

Location: On Millennium Place outside the Museum

Footman James partners, Coventry Transport Museum, have hosted several Cars & Coffee meets over the year. Sadly, this is the last Cars & Coffee event in 2018! Make sure you don’t miss out and register your space before time runs out.


Classic Vehicles

Bring your classics along and join in the classic vehicle euphoria whilst tucking in to some delicious snacks. Whatever your classic may be, Coventry Transport Museum welcomes you to Millennium Palace.

Why not read up on all the fun from April’s Breakfast Club here?

Free Pastry & Hot Drink

Footman James sponsor the Coventry Transport Museum’s Cars & Coffee Event and at every meet we offer every registered participant a voucher for a free pastry/teacake and hot drink.


Attending the breakfast club is FREE of charge. However, due to limited space you will need to register your vehicle beforehand.

To register your vehicle, please email: info@culturecoventry.com