The Historic & Classic Vehicles Alliance

The Historic & Classic Vehicles Alliance

Footman James is proud to be a founding member of The Historic & Classic Vehicles Alliance (HCVA). The HCVA have created a voice for everyone who has an interest in protecting the future of classic and historic vehicles.

Driven by a common interest, their mission is to promote, support and maintain the long-term health and success of the sector.

Campaign Foundations

  • Heritage & history - working to protect and preserve the industry for us all and for generations to come
  • Preserving jobs and skills - supporting and protecting 113,000 jobs in the sector while reaching out to youth with fresh skills
  • A sustainable industry - by remaking, reusing and repairing, this industry is the definition of sustainability. The HCVA works to ensure this is recognised and celebrated.
  • A new standard - the HCVA intend to create a 'kite mark' for the restoration and maintenance of historic cars


Their Purpose

To secure a sustainable future for jobs, businesses, craftsmen, enthusiasts and forthcoming generations.

To bring clarity, consistency and efficiency to: engagement with regulatory authorities; communications with Government, Parliament, media and the wider public in a post Brexit context; discussions with governmental and non-governmental bodies on environmental issues.

To correct myths and misconceptions and bring context and perspective to conversation around sustainability, building on the reports of HERO and the FBHVC.

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